Are you spending a lot of time weighing out coffee? Do you wish you had more storage capacity?

Our Precision Silo is a compact, modular, easy-to-use system for green or roasted coffee delivering precision accuracy at great speeds. Imagine not having to mess with jute bags every time you roast. Load the silo once, and you don’t have to touch or weigh your green coffee again until the next reload.

If you're based in North America, become (one of) our first user(s) and experience the future of coffee roasting.

For those outside North America, join our waiting list and schedule a call with us to plan the implementation of the Precision Silo in your roastery.

Watch our videos, read our FAQ, and schedule a call to discuss our Precision Silo project 

sovda-silo-product-specs-v3_Artboard 2.jpg

Product Specifications


2.94M (9'8")


3.0M-3.4M (9'10"-11'2")


1000 liters / Chamber

8 Chambers

Green: ~4800 kg
(~10580 lbs)

Roasted: ~2830 kg
(~6240 lbs)

Food-Grade stainless Steel construction


Downloads & Resources


Media Gallery

Are you ready to increase efficiency
and improve workflow for your roastery?



  • You can submit your order as of now.

    Silo is built-to-order and takes around 90 days to produce. Shipping time is approximately 50 days in addition. You can order Precision Silo or Precision Silo Plus.

  • You can submit your order as of now with a 25% deposit. You’ll be then added to a waiting list. We will offer a unique discount for the first four units as we are looking to open new Demosites worldwide for our Precision Silo (or Precision Silo Plus).

    Silo is built-to-order and takes around 90 days to produce. Shipping time is approximately 50 days in addition. You can order Precision Silo or Precision Silo Plus.

  • Four differences may or may not matter to you, depending on your needs and constraints. You can see them in our brochure, and here is a recap:

    a. Precision Silo has a height of 300cm while Precision Silo Plus has a height of 330cm.

    b. Precision Silo Plus can weigh and record the coffee conveyed into the Silo. Currently, it will show you those data in a basic way, as in the picture. We are working towards a more user-friendly interface. On the other hand, Precision Silo can’t record data itself. However, you can have similar data displayed. You just need to manually enter the coffee going in and out of your Silo.

    c.Precision Silo Plus has a loading rate of 12kg/min. while the Precision Silo loading rate is 15kg/min (it takes some time for weighing processing). Both have the same unloading rate (15kg/min.)

    d. Precision Silo is USD 7,000 cheaper (for retail price) than Precision Silo Plus (talk to us for pricing since there will be special prices for the Launch).

    *Unless specified, we’ll use Precision Silo and Precision Silo Plus as equivalents in the rest of this FAQ.

  • As we install Precision Silo around the world, we will keep a map of our demo site location updated. As of now, we know the first unit will be installed in North America.

  • Is Precision Silo for Green or Roasted Coffee?

    Both. Remember that the Precision Silo cannot be used as a blender for post-roast blending since the coffee beans fall into the hopper one chamber after another. This means that when blending with roasted coffee, you’d need to hook it up to a blender / blend your coffee manually before or after loading up the silo.

  • You can hook up your Precision Silo to one, two, or three roasters (or any equipment). We will design both the software and hardware based on your equipment. We can accommodate a bypass for roasters willing to have an alternative hopper to feed green into their roaster. This means, for instance, you would have the possibility to feed your roaster via our Precision Silo or via a cart/hopper you already own or a standard hopper we provide.

  • We recommend a complete clean-up of the Precision Silo every six months. The main parts to highlight are the auger, storage chambers, feeder, and lift. It would take about half a day to do a deep cleaning. As we install the first unit, we’ll send complete instructions on how to clean it. It would involve an air gun pushing dust through all the components and a vacuum hose.

  • In this launch period, we are open to doing custom size, as long as it’s bigger and not smaller. We need to know your requirements before doing a custom-house survey for you. See more info about our Custom House projects process and pricing.

  • You can use the screen/HMI integrated into the Silo control cabinet. In the future, it will also be possible for you to use other devices (like a PC or a phone) to monitor or control the Silo remotely. We are currently working on this feature, and this will be possible to add it on afterwards on version 1.0 of Precision Silo.

  • Two technicians will take about four days to assemble and commission our first Precision Silo. As we get more familiar with the assembly and commissioning, and to keep costs low, this time will be reduced, and we’ll offer assembly done by the customer. To not penalize our first customer, we’ll offer a discounted launch price of the Silo to compensate for the potential longer time for commissioning and assembly.

  • We don’t know yet how flat we’ll manage to make our Precision Silo once packed. We will share your progress here by the beginning of September. We know that Precision Silo, together with one lift going into one piece of equipment, will wait for approximately 1400 kg.